Miriam Ordonez Clifford
Miriam Ordonez Clifford

I began writing articles online several years ago. It's been a wild ride to become a "writer" - to embody and understand what that means truly - after years of battling with the idea that I could be paid to write my truth - but today I am proud to call myself a writer.

But writing does not come without doubt - or fear of rejection. Here on Medium I explore the journey of moving from writing non-fiction to creative writing. I document the process of writing my first creative works - one novel based in fantasy and another a science fiction exploring last chances in life. When I publish these books, it will be like slaying a proverbial dragon, in the words of Steven Pressfield. I can't wait for that day.

I love for diverse areas of content - what ties my writing together my attempt to always be honest with my readers. I want the reader to feel what I feel, to fear what I fear, to innately understand a topic, or know what it is like visit the places I have visited. By the same token, I want to know and understand my readers - to get to know their ideas, thoughts, and how I can best help them. For this reason, I think of this space as a community. I come here to learn and grow as a writer.

The cool thing about Medium that makes this possible is that everyone is both a writer and a reader.

In my creative work, I focus on the Hero's journey - a sense in writing that we become heroes of our own destiny - through stories we triumph and defeat the monster within. Stories are beacons of hope. I believe that writing is my life calling. What greater a calling than sharing my love of writing? For me, it is an honor to have people read my work - and if it inspires one person, that is truly enough.

I write three Medium publications:

Coffeehouse: A Penny University: A publication and community exploring the creative process. In 17th Century Britian, Coffeehouses were thought of as centers of thought, and any person regardless of social standing could buy a coffee for a penny to engage in creative or economic discourse. Coffeehouse is geared towards those working on an artistic project, book, or entrepreneurial endeavor. I provide food for thought, resources, books, and ways of thinking about creativity to propel you forward. To keep the theme & feel of a coffeehouse, I also add articles about the world of coffee and food from different cultures.

SundayDrives: This publication explores historical and family travel around the United States. Often times I research NPS sites, places on the National Registrar of Historic Places, UNESCO World Heritage sites, museums, and other sites of significance in our nation’s history. I have lived in 8 states and counting, and our family enjoys free, or inexpensive travel around the USA.

JoyMailed: This publication began as a way to seek joy in life. It explores research on topic such as finding happiness, mindfulness, stillness, gratitude. I explore topics related to meditation, psychology, and resources to live a more joyful life. I keep an interior “bucket list” of emotional milestones I hope to achieve in life and share these as inspiration for your own life goals.

If you enjoyed my work, buy me a coffee.

Thank you for reading and for your support.

Miriam Ordonez Clifford

Miriam Ordonez Clifford

Writer documenting journey to finish my first book. Mom, Latina, Friend, shark week fan 🦈 🍫 coffee ☕️ kind people should rule the world.