Tech Break— Creating Stillness for Creative Space

Miriam Ordonez Clifford
3 min readJan 25, 2024


Photo by Miriam Clifford

This year, I am taking intentional, scheduled tech breaks from social media. It is because I have noticed that social media can create distractions in our daily lives, especially in our creative process. Our world is really loud, and it seems to me that our minds crave quiet space.

I wrote the Ode to Boredom a few weeks ago, and I realized that to create mental space, it is necessary to go into stillness and fully focus on the creative process. I think it is the only way to finish my book and allow room in my mind to explore it fully.

Steven Pressfield calls this, “Turning Pro.” Now I begin to understand why writers have such a quiet presence — it is because writing requires it. The writer eventually comes to the point where it matters more to be in communion with their work, nature, or creative energy — allowing space for this energy to live and breathe into their work. It is also a time of great personal reflection and growth as you go on your own artist’s journey — it requires us to turn inward. This is explained well in Pressfield’s other book, “The Artist’s Journey.” It is somewhat mystical in nature, and I recommend it if this appeals to you.

As a writer working on a book, it is important to have this empty space to imagine, create characters and stay connected to the creative space within me. I have discussed stillness before, and it requires time and energy which with a social media presence is hard to balance.I think defining our presence on social media is important and thinking about how to balance it.

For me, I may publish articles sporadically like this one, but I have deleted apps except for mindfulness and meditation apps, which I think is helpful. I may ocassionally post an inspiration, a family picture, or read articles but it will be limited. My focus will be on my book.

Any articles here will mainly be resources and insights for writers and artists seeking this type of creative space. I enjoy sharing these resources as a way to pay it forward for all the wonderful writers who have helped me along my own writing journey. I want to thank you for your input and support, it has led to me some especially insightful resources.

If you would like to seek inspiration with the creative process, I recomend a few books on writing below. I will add to this list if anything else comes up. These books and resources have helped me/or are helping me presently in my artist’s journey and I hope they help someone else as it took me years to stumble upon them. Maybe this list will save someone the time:


Bird by Bird by Ann Lamott

Write for Life & The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron

On Writing, Stephen King

The Art of War, Turning Pro, Put Your Ass Where Your Heart Wants to Be, The Artist’s Journey by Steven Pressfield

The Creative Act, Rick Rubin

The Way to Narnia, Peter J. Schakel

J.R.R. Tolkien by Tom Shippey

A Writer’s Commonplace Book, Rosemary Friedman

The Writer’s Journey by Christopher Vogler

2001 Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke

Hamlet by Harold Bloom

The Oxford Campanion of Classical Literature by M.C. Howatson

The Odyssey by Homer

The Road to Middle Earth by Tom Shippey

Meditation Apps:

Fabulous: For begnining structure, to start to set new routines & habits.

Calm: For creative/story meditations. Highly recommend viking story meditations.

Waking Up: For learning about meditation processes, techniques, history, background, and navigating change in mindset and an analysis of meditation and mindfulness.

I will continue to share things like this from time to time for those following an artistic process and journey in the hopes that it will help you along and spur your creativity. I hope to let you know when I finish my book one day soon, the day as Steven Pressfield says that I “Slay the proverbial dragon” and write the words The End. I know that will be an amazing day.

When that day comes, I will be happy to share my book with you all!

May the road rise up to meet you. Especially all the roads leading you to your creative journey. Thank you for reading.



Miriam Ordonez Clifford

Writer documenting journey to finish my first book. Mom, Latina, Friend, shark week fan 🦈 🍫 coffee ☕️ kind people should rule the world.